DLS Tip Troughs
DLS offers a full line of stainless steel (Grade 304) tip troughs. Fabricated with 11-gauge steel, they are as heavy-duty as they come! They can be both wall or floor mounted and are available in 9 different lengths from 4’ to 12’. The inside trough dimensions are 16” wide by 10” deep. Tipping them is fast and easy and the refill time is quick! Each trough comes with a Jobe float. The float operates a small pilot valve which in turn operates the main diaphragm valve. It has a high flow rate, 50 GPM at 30 PSI. The float is compact, robust and non-corrosive. All DLS tip troughs are fabricated in the DLS CWB certified fabrication shop, and they are completely fabricated with stainless steel.